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Swiss Miss Royalty

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Welcome to our Swiss Miss Royalty page, where we introduce five delightful young girls who have won our Swiss Days competition. These charming young ladies represent the spirit and joy of our community. Join us in celebrating their achievements and the bright smiles they bring to our cherished celebration.

2024 Swiss Miss Royalty

Photography by Quinn Calder

From left to right: Attendant • Hailey Iverson, Attendant • Emery Drennan, Swiss Miss • Lexy Kimball, Attendant •  Claire Gardner, Attendant • Vivian Tullis

Lexi Kimball


Parents: Adam & Jessie Kimball

Lexi is an amazing sister to her three younger siblings.  She enjoys a well-rounded range of hobbies and interests which include skiing, mountain biking, lacrosse, clogging and piano.  She is always up for an adventure and has a "can do" attitude.  When she isn't busy with these pursuits, you will find her playing with her family or spending time with friends. Lexi consistently has a positive outlook and is always a friend to all those around her.

Vivian Tullis


Parents: David & Myndie Tullis

Vivian Sophia Tullis is the youngest of five children.  She keeps her family smiling with her quick wit and fun sense of humor. Vivian is all things creative. She loves making movies with her friends, she is a great artist, and this year started playing the cello. She also enjoys roller skating around the neighborhood, adventuring with her family, and hugging her dog, Nora. But if you really want to get her excited, surprise her with salt and vinegar chips or a dill pickle. They are her favorite!

Claire Gardner


Parents: Kevin & Jill Gardner

Claire Gardner is the second oldest child of six. She enjoys making crafts, writing books, ballet and math. She likes pushing herself to try new things and has enjoyed learning Spanish, cheer, volleyball, track and has even been in a couple plays. Amidst all this, she never forgets to slow down to stop and smell the roses and enjoy the simple things in life. Claire is a friend to all and genuinely cares about the wellbeing of others. She is constantly looking for ways to comfort and show kindness to those around her. She is thrilled to be serving with her friends as Swiss Miss ambassadors for their community.

Emery Drennan


Parents: Todd and Cindy Drennan

Emery thrilled her 2 older sisters when she was born after a streak of 4 boys. This firecracker has always kept up with her brothers tubing, skiing, collecting bugs and playing Nerf wars. She is well-balanced as she loves to sing, be in plays, make rubber band bracelets, write poems and cozy up with a good book. It's especially fun to watch her twirl and spin on her Lyra and silk. Emery is thoughtful, daring and kind. She is absolutely delighted to part of Swiss Miss this year!

Hailey Iverson


Parents: Dan and Autumn Iverson

Hailey was born in Tucson, Arizona. She is the middle child of 5 kids. She loves to be with her family hiking, camping, swimming, biking and playing games. She is the best skier in the family and her mom has to ski faster than she feels comfortable to keep up with her. Hailey plays soccer, clogs, plays the piano and loves to read. She can read for hours and has been known to finish a 9 book series in a matter of days. Hailey loves living in Midway for the fun people and beautiful outdoors, and of course the Suss cookies.